finding true happiness

finding true happiness

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Losing Weight With Social Media

In the past seven months, I have lost 90lbs with social media.

Yup, you read it right. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Goolge, Twitter, and blogging. And I lost it all the healthy way; no lies, gimmicks, or catches. 

Just to get you all caught up, I began my journey by doing Whole30. I absolutely love this program because you learn what effect food has on your body and how to develop a healthy relationship with food. My body went through a full detox and I was able to break my addiction to bread and sweets. I immediately started seeing results. Everything from losing pounds and inches to eliminating my insomnia and anxiety.

Then in September 2014 I decided to drop everything and move to Guatemala for a few months. In addition to spending time with my mother's side of the family, I was determined to make drastic life changes; lose weight - among other things.

I didn't have an income, a car, access to a gym or work out equipment, nor a trainer. I thought it would be nearly impossible to lose a significant amount of weight; but I figured I will do everything I could and see what results I could get. By the beginning of October I officially buckled down and began my journey with only a laptop, a cellphone, a yoga mat, and two 5lb weights. I had limited resources but that did not stop me. 
January 2015

I started by tracking my measurements, what I ate and how much I weighed. I also had not one but several trainers everyday and I was able to switch them out. You name them, I trained with them: Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Dolvett Quince, Cassey Ho, Kayla Itsines, Keaira Lashae, and countless others. All on Youtube, for free, at any time and any where.

Another benefit was that if I got bored or felt like my body wasn't being challenged, I simply stopped the video and looked for someone else. Even better, I had control of my work out music.

Then I began documenting, sharing, and getting a support system. That's where this blog, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook came in. I have always been embarrassed to talk about my weight or fitness goals with friends and family for fear of being teased or misunderstood. I figured I would either get made fun of for being unhealthy and overweight or for trying to change.

Documenting my feelings, thoughts, recipes, progress, motivations, triumphs, and failures helped me find people all over the world that could relate to me or contribute to my journey in some way. Some had already reached their goals, some were just getting started, others were professionals - nutritionist, doctors, trainers, owners of health oriented businesses, chefs, foodies, dancers, writers, and artists.

Most importantly I was building a support system. I began to realize my biggest cheerleaders and fans were my family and friends. Surprisingly even strangers began to root for me and inevitably became my friends. I began to receive emails, comments, likes, texts, with so many encouraging messages and love. When I would go trough homesickness, plateaus, or simply wanted to give up I would see something on Instagram that would give me a boost, or I would get a comment/message that would remind me of why I started and what my goals were.

Left August 2014 || Right March 2015

Though I have lost quite a bit of weight, I am only halfway to my ultimate goal. I have two months left on my adventure abroad and I'm excited to see my family and friends mid June. If I was able to get this far on my own with only social media, I can only imagine what I can accomplish with many more resources!

I am looking forward to the day I can look back and say I had a long journey, but it was worth it.

You are your biggest obstacle. You know yourself better than any one. You have the power to succeed or fail, the choice is yours.


Thursday, March 12, 2015


It's easy to sugar coat or post just the good stuff on social media. So let's be real here. The past two months have been rough-to say the least. Can we say MAJOR PLATEAU!?

 It was awful. There has been weeks where I've only lost 1/4 of a pound- or nothing at all. For the first time in 5 months I gained weight-3 pounds in 1 week. I considered it a nightmare because 1- I've been working so hard and 2- I can be a bit of a perfectionist. Last week I finally had a break through- I lost 10 pounds in one week!!! woop woop 

However, this post isn't about my results on the scale. I realized that I had so many other goals associated with my journey to a healthy happy life. I was creating even bigger plateaus by obsessing on the number on the scale that I failed to see that I had accomplished so much more.

 Aside from losing a total of 83lbs...
I've  lost 31 inches over all 
I no longer have insomnia and can sleep 8 solid hours 
I'm completely off of medication for anxiety and depression 
I've learned how to make healthier choices everywhere I go 
My hair skin and nails are on point 
I have tons more energy 
Flexibility, balance, and endurance have drastically improved. 
My clothes don't fit- meaning I need to do some shopping 
and most importantly I am happy! 

I have come such a long way in every aspect of my life. I have a clearer view of where I am and where I am headed. My goals make so much more sense and they're not just lost words- I am putting in the work. 
We need to remember that sometimes our mind can be our biggest obstacle. It could be fear, discouragement, pride, or emotions that begin to take control. We must learn to identify these road blocks and persevere. Remind your self what the bigger picture is. Are the things you are doing on a daily basis bringing you closer to your ultimate goal(s)?  If so, do not worry about a small set back. You've got this! 

For health and fitness motivation/ inspiration check out @squatsinguats on Instagram- link on side bar

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Be Your Own Valentine

Oh February...
The month of valentines, flowers, candy, single awareness, man/ woman hating , and LOVE.

Every year, as soon as February 1st comes along, there is a madness to find a Valentine. It's a frantic game of musical chairs, not wanting to be left with out a Valentine, I mean a chair. But when or how did this holiday become about someone else loving you or you loving someone else? What about self love?
Didn't quite think about it that way ey? I sure didn't!

In the Past two years I realized I didn't love the most important person...ME! I thought I did, but in reality I just faked it really well. It's amazing how much you can learn about your self when you pull your self out of the hustle and bustle of life. I have been away from everyone and everything for 5 months now and boy has it been eye opening. If you ask me what is the one thing I have learned from this experience I will tell you- Love my self in every way possible- hands down!

So in honor of this month of Love I challenge you to post one thing everyday until Valentines Day that you love about your self or something that you did to show that you love your self ( pampered your self, worked out, ate healthy, bought your self something you needed, wrote your self a note, did something you loved) It could be anything! Use #selflovefeb I would love to see what you all come up with.

Hello February, I'm looking forward to all the love <3

PS: drop by on Instagram : @Squatsinguats

Monday, January 19, 2015

New year, Best me

Happy new year everyone! Better late than never right?

With the beginning of a new year, everyone is in the zone of reflecting and setting new goals. All we hear is " new year, new me" and in a sense - yes.
Better yet, New Year, Best Me.

A little family tradition that I love, is getting together to write family and individual goals. Over the years I have learned to be more realistic with my goals, push myself, and most importantly not to beat myself up for the things I didn't accomplish. Because although we might have not accomplished some things on our list, we might have accomplished others much greater.

Over the course of the past two years I have made a lot of changes to better my mind, body, and soul; especially this past year. I decided to come to Guatemala to spend time with my grandparents and take advantage of the free time to take care of myself. Like I mentioned in my previous posts I had gotten into the bad habit of putting everyone and everything before me. It's not a bad thing to serve others, but it is when you let go of your needs. I had a serious reality check and had to refocus. So in June I added new goals to my list.

I have to say that even though I had a late start with some of my goals, I did pretty well. I started the new year 66 lbs lighter, I've eliminated toxic relationships, spent more time with family, I feel better about myself, have a healthier life style, and most importantly I am happy where I am and where I am headed.

I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist with some things and extremely hard on myself when things don't turn out the way I want them. I have been working on changing that mindset to work to my advantage. Instead of getting down on myself for a setback or a smaller success than the one planned, I'm using it as motivation for a comeback. We don't realize how powerful our mind can be and many times our our biggest obstacle is us.

I challenge you to write down ALL your goals (big or small) and don't be afraid to add or change some of those goals throughout the year. Also, write down EVERYTHING you accomplished this past year ( Did you travel? Where? Finish school? Passed your classes? Got healthier? Purchased a car or a house? Spent more time with family? Kept your house/room clean? Read? Focused on you? Saved money? Got a promotion? Found yourself? Let go of toxic relationships, thoughts, or ideas?) Write it ALL down. You will soon realize you have done so much!

You are all amazing people, capable of so much. It's time to become the best version of yourself and be happy.

May this new year be full of blessings, adventures, health, and love. Looking forward to a year full of changes and showing the world the best version of myself.