finding true happiness

finding true happiness

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Deep Rooted Emotions

And I do mean deep. SO deep you don't even know you are still carrying them with you or know they ever existed. 

I'm the midst of this whole anxiety/depression business I had two good friends pass away in a car accident. That's when I really hit rock bottom. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I strongly believe that the right people cross your path when you need it most. Along with my amazing therapist there's my wonderful friend Heilala aka Lala.

Around that time I was feeling very sick and I also had plantar fasciitis and tendinitis on my Achilles tendon- On the same damn foot! I had to wear a hideous boot and I could not dance- which is one of my favorite things to do. One night after a meeting Lala (check out her blog)-gave me a ride home. We got to talking about how things were going and about emotions and illnesses (physical and mental). She shared with me something that was changing her life-and I was and still am ALL ABOUT THAT. It was the The Emotion Code. 

"The Emotion Code, simply put, is a system created by Dr. Bradley Nelsom to find Trapped Emotions causing problems in the body and releasing them.
What are Trapped Emotions?
Trapped Emotions are exactly what the sound like. Emotions trapped energetically within the body. They were not fully processed and so they are still in the body, even if we are not feeling that emotion at the present moment."

I decided to give it a shot. Turns out I was dealing with not only current emotions but emotions that were trapped from my past. After just one session, the pain I had from my foot injuries along with a few other things went away. I was told I would have to do physical therapy for several months along with wearing that stupid boot. After that one session I tossed the boot and said good bye to physical therapy. 
In the past year I have done a few sessions with her and I am absolutely amazed of how helpful it has been. Sometimes we don't realize how much certain events in our lives impact us because we have consciously or subconsciously suppressed those emotions. It's astonishing how you can let go of the baggage by simply identifying what emotion is trapped and around what time in your life it is coming from. 
This post isn't just about the emotion code, but also the power of sharing your experiences, trials, and blessings with others. If it wasn't for me talking to my Bishop about my anxiety-I would have never met my therapist. If I had not opened up to Lala- she wouldn't have helped me with my trapped emotions. I would still be curled up in my bed, watching Netflix, driving aimlessly through my thoughts. 
All I am saying is...

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