finding true happiness

finding true happiness

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Be Your Own Valentine

Oh February...
The month of valentines, flowers, candy, single awareness, man/ woman hating , and LOVE.

Every year, as soon as February 1st comes along, there is a madness to find a Valentine. It's a frantic game of musical chairs, not wanting to be left with out a Valentine, I mean a chair. But when or how did this holiday become about someone else loving you or you loving someone else? What about self love?
Didn't quite think about it that way ey? I sure didn't!

In the Past two years I realized I didn't love the most important person...ME! I thought I did, but in reality I just faked it really well. It's amazing how much you can learn about your self when you pull your self out of the hustle and bustle of life. I have been away from everyone and everything for 5 months now and boy has it been eye opening. If you ask me what is the one thing I have learned from this experience I will tell you- Love my self in every way possible- hands down!

So in honor of this month of Love I challenge you to post one thing everyday until Valentines Day that you love about your self or something that you did to show that you love your self ( pampered your self, worked out, ate healthy, bought your self something you needed, wrote your self a note, did something you loved) It could be anything! Use #selflovefeb I would love to see what you all come up with.

Hello February, I'm looking forward to all the love <3

PS: drop by on Instagram : @Squatsinguats